Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Everybody Must Get Stoned






Today I was lucky enough to meet Morgan of "Zoe & Morgan", a cool jewelry line. What so cool about their jewelry ? Morgan and Zoe both fall for vintage and antique jewelry but their intention is not just to remake. Instead, they give it a twist. Morgan said he and his sister find inspiration from everything from a song name to a cracked of the building. Morgan said he like things to be made by hand. He like the way that it's imperfect and contain soul and he would love the most when his client buy it and intend to pass on his jewelry to their offspring. I like the way that he really capture the meaning of jewelry. From the ancient, jewelry always contain more meaning than just adornment.

My favorite one was the last picture, a Poison Ring. It's already funky enough that the gem stone is being setting in vertical, but Morgan and Zoe put it farther, it can be open to put whatever you want inside, like in the old time.

Zoe & Morgan have their collection sold everywhere around the world. You can find them online too. For those in Thailand, they available at Matina Amanita shop at Gaysorn Plaza

btw, the title is Morgan's idea. I've asked him if he ever consider Dylan's song as they collection inspiration and he said if there's one, it have to be "Everybody Must Get Stoned"!

love you all,
Pan's Holiday


shimu's holiday said...

Love the first ring!! I WANT IT!!!

Niki's holiday

Andromarche said...

Not my style, tut his idea is so cool anyway.

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