Tuesday, December 9, 2008

The Evil Twins

THE EVIL TWINS: A HAUNTED HOUSE, installation and series of events, with Simon Husslein
, Hamburg and London, 2006-2008

THE EVIL TWINS: THE WRITER'S STORY, self initiated project, 2007

THE EVIL TWINS INVADE PARIS: installation and event at Le Placide organized by La Pieuvre, October 2008

What a lovely project ♥♥♥

Please visit ......
ContainerPLUS are a multidisciplinary art and design collective specializing in concept creation and execution across a multitude of 2D and 3D platforms.

They combine diverse communication tools to form a 360 degree experience incorporating unique skill sets. They offer an all round service that includes creative hand-rendered artwork, set design and photography. ContainerPLUS devotes time to personal and experimental projects, enabling them to explore techniques and develop new ideas, which then inform their commercial work.

Niki's holiday

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