Monday, January 11, 2010

Lazy Baby






Stella McCartney + Organic by John Patrick

Lately I'm so lazy (I think you can tell from my blogging habit). All I want is stay in bed all day wearing lace stocking with a big soft cotton shirt. If I don't have to go anywhere after office, all I want to wear is skinny jeans and big lazy tee like when Holly Golightly singing Blue River in her apartment (I really into denim too). I also wear less make up. Only a bit of cat eyes and blush, finito, good to go. So these are my lazy inspiration plus the lovely video down here from Charlotte Ronson.

Let's doing nothing♥
Pan's Holiday


shimu's holiday said...

Yeah!! you are so lazy!! 5555 This is my first day at school!!!! I'm so happy and so inspired.

Miss you!!!!!!!
Niki's holiday

shimu's holiday said...

hahaha..but I do my Ielts study na.
Exciting too. Will check on your FB. hahaha gonna be a great day!!

miss you too ♥

Unknown said...

These are really cute! i love Charlotte's video. i don't know why but it's so inspired.

shimu's holiday said...

Have you check others video from other season ? It's also lovely too! Most of all I love all the song they played.
Glad you like it :))


Jirakit Soon said...

that video is such a beautiful ideal life,,, love it ^^

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