Wednesday, December 2, 2009

another day of miss Teaspoon ♥








Dear ♥ miss Teaspoon
You've been in London for months now. Even though we're stalking your blog everyday, still, it doesn't kill our feeling of missing you. We, with a bit of envy, love to see your moccasins on autumn leafs, your rosy vintage china from nearby market, even your picture of random old women fascinate us. We're looking forward to mingle with you in the air of London.
So to banish our miserable. We are shipping Niki straight to London in 2 weeks. We promise you that she will land on your door steps and keeping you busy every afternoon, pesting with you every morning and bugging you every night for at lease a whole year. Your life would be a bit noisier, busier and buzzier.

Good luck, have a nice (shimu's) holiday.

hugs and kisses,
Shimu's Holiday
P.S. Another Shimu's will follow soon ♥

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