Wes Anderson's first animated film, Fantastic Mr. Fox!! the story based on a Roald Dahl book.
Mr Fox seems to have based on Anderson, at lease his style anyway. Anderson was very
particular about Mr Fox's jacket, adamant that he should wear a brown corduroy suit strikingly
similar to his own. He even got a sample from the New York tailor who makes his suits.
Can't wait to watch this film!!
watch the trailer here.
Mr Fox seems to have based on Anderson, at lease his style anyway. Anderson was very
particular about Mr Fox's jacket, adamant that he should wear a brown corduroy suit strikingly
similar to his own. He even got a sample from the New York tailor who makes his suits.
Can't wait to watch this film!!
watch the trailer here.
Niki's holiday
Niki's holiday
super cute!!
Pan's Holiday
love it
i waiting for a looooooooooooong time
Mr.Fox and Toy story3 on 18 june 2010!!
I loooove stop motion animation! This is going to be so good
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